• Media
Projects In SecondLife: We're currently assembling Virtual World Film Productions in SecondLife. Ambient Music and Guided Meditation AeonKimono Products will soon be available at iTunes and Amazon ...
VISIT: http://aeonkimono.blip.tv/

• MTV award winning student film "Fields Far Away" is available for
web viewing. Tyler & Jon Timpe produced
and directed the short film, based on a stage musical production written by Jeff Timpe.
RELATED LINK: www.FieldsFarAway.com
REL VISIT: film project details archive
tracks from theatre Act One

Rockers "JT3" have renamed their group & are now known as "AeonSatori" ..slated for live event performances in 2017. Our music is available for a free spin our AeonSatori FaceBook page or check us out on BandCamp