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AeonKimono SL Films
production status:
(10/01 Shambalic Journey)
(11/11 Chakra Path footage)
(NOV Vertical Flight script)
(DEC OverView scrpting)

Fields Far Away
production status:
(Now Showing Festivals)
Aeon Satori
production status:
(Writing & Recording)

Media Projects In SecondLife:

We're currently assembling Virtual World Film Productions in SecondLife. Ambient Music and Guided Meditation AeonKimono Products will soon be available at iTunes and Amazon...

VISIT: http://aeonkimono.blip.tv/

Fields Far way Short Film

MTV award winning student film "Fields Far Away" is available for web viewing. Tyler & Jon Timpe produced and directed the short film, based on a scene from the stage musical production written by Jeff Timpe.
RELATED LINK: www.FieldsFarAway.com
REL VISIT: film project details archive
REL VISIT: temp tracks from theatre Act One

AeonSatori Progressive Rock & Ambient:
Facebook Information Pages
Recording/Concert Project - AeonSatori
Ambient Guided Journey - Vertical Flight (FB link)
Ambient Guided Journey - Shambalic Journey (FB link)
Ambient Guided Journey - Chakra Path (FB link)

AeonKimono is currently offering a variety of classes, discussions and group events in SecondLife.

SignUp - it's AMAZING, it's FUN, & it's FREE!

Events Calendar:

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